Brand Director & Illustrator
Medi/Ocre: Café & Creative Community


Medi/Ocre: Café & Creative Community

Medi/Ocre: Café & Creative Community

Project: Branding, Digital Organizing & Print Media

Role: Creative Director and Designer

Medi/Ocre is a concept identity I created in my spare time. This concept is for a cafe, venue, or co-working space. I imagined that it would host things like live music, creative workshops, poetry readings, and/or various types of performance art. An overarching hub for artists or the artistically curious.

 Condensed versions of the Medi/Ocre logo in various colour-ways.

Condensed versions of the Medi/Ocre logo in various colour-ways.

 Samples of social media promo graphics.

Samples of social media promo graphics.

 Poster designs.

Poster designs.