Brand Director & Illustrator
OFL: May Day Campaign

OFL: May Day

OFL: May Day Campaign

OFL: May Day Campaign

Project: Digital Rebrand & Redesign of the Organizations’ Website

Agency: Point Blank Creative

Role: Brand Director, Illustrator & Lead Designer

After a very successful digital brand refresh the OFL approached us for an International Worker’s Day Campaign. The campaign included a set of illustrations and colour palette that was unique from, but complimented, the new branding.

Posters, flyers and social graphics were also a part of the campaign. On May 1st workers all across Ontario rallied for workers’ rights, with thousands OFL May Day signs in tow.

 Poster and flyer templates were created in order to quickly turn out location specific print materials. These posters were pasted up around cities across the province to build up momentum for May 1st.

Poster and flyer templates were created in order to quickly turn out location specific print materials. These posters were pasted up around cities across the province to build up momentum for May 1st.

 In addition to postering cities and creating rally signs the posters also made an appearance in Toronto on the TTC (Thanks to the ATU Canada (Amalgamated Transit Union Canada).

In addition to postering cities and creating rally signs the posters also made an appearance in Toronto on the TTC (Thanks to the ATU Canada (Amalgamated Transit Union Canada).

 A digital organizing calendar was built for the OFL’s social media accounts to post reminders for events, raise awareness around May 1st, and to get out the vote for the June provincial election.

A digital organizing calendar was built for the OFL’s social media accounts to post reminders for events, raise awareness around May 1st, and to get out the vote for the June provincial election.
